In The Grove Athletics Presents: WIFFLE BALL LEAGUES





November 2, 2024


December 21, 2024


Cost: $75/player

Register as a team or as an individual


Weeks 1-6:

Regular season 

Saturdays: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/23, 12/7, 12/14

***No games 11/30***


Week 7:


End-of-season tournament

Saturday: 12/21

***Holiday themed*** 

***Home run Derby***

***Medals for 1st and 2nd place teams***


This fall, we’re excited to offer **two distinct wiffle ball leagues** to cater to players of all skill levels and preferences. Whether you’re looking for fast-paced competition or just a fun, relaxed atmosphere, we’ve got a league for you!

League Options:

Heat Seekers – League A

7 Teams

Format: Fast-paced, with **moving pitches** allowed. (Max. speed 50 mph)

For: Players with experience looking for a challenge and higher-intensity games.

This league is for players ready to test their skills against the competition. Expect fast-moving pitches and dynamic plays!

The Bomb Squad – League B

7 Teams

Format: This “Pitch-to-Hit” league focuses on big hits and an easygoing atmosphere. 

For: Players of all abilities, perfect for those looking for a more relaxed experience.

This League is perfect for those new to wiffleball or who just enjoy playing. Games are still competitive, but the goal is to get hits, not strike players out with speed and a 4-foot break!


Sign up now to reserve your spot and be part of the fun this fall!

Official League Rules

Duration and Team Requirements

Duration: 7 weeks (Leagues run simultaneously)

Regular Season games: Each team plays 6 games (one game against every other team and has 1 bye-week)

Game Length: 45 min

Time: Regular Season Games – 10:00AM-4:00PM

Tournament – 9:00AM-6:00PM


Tournament: Single elimination – Seeds 1-7 based on regular season standings

Tournament Rules TBD 

Team Composition: Each team must have four (4) players

(all boys, all girls, any combo of  both allowed)

Registration Fee: $75 per player (May register as a team or individual)

***Please Note: Teams may play with only 3 players if necessary due to availability, illness, or injury***
(Less than 3 players will result in a forfeit that week)



-Provided by the league

-Bats: Yellow Official *Wiffle* Bats

-Balls: 8-Hole Official *Wiffle* Balls 

-Wiffle Ball Strike Zone

-Attire: No jewelry or cleats allowed. All players must wear tennis shoes for games (You will not be allowed to play in any other footwear)


Umpires: 1 per game (all umpire calls are final…no exceptions!)


Game Rules

-Fielding: 1 pitcher and 3 fielders. Players cannot use fielding gloves.

-Game Length: Games are 4 innings. No new inning after 40 minutes from official game start. (Umpire will note start time)

-Outs: 2 outs per inning per team

-6 run-rule per team per inning

-Mercy Rule: Game ends if the home team is ahead by 7 or more runs after 3 innings.

-Standard 3 strike/4 ball count 

     -Strikes: Ball hits the Strike Zone or swing-and-miss

     -Balls: any pitch that misses the Strike Zone and the batter does not swing

     -Hit by pitch counts as a ball

     -2nd foul tip that hits the strike zone (in the air) is an out

-Bunting: Not allowed (automatic out).

-Batting Order: All players must hit. Teams must use a continuous batting order. The batting order must remain the same throughout the game. If a player leaves the game, they cannot re-enter that game.

Pitching: No limit on innings/pitcher. Pitching changes can be made at any time except in the middle of an at-bat. 

-A pitcher must have at least one foot touching the rubber when they release the ball. A pitch thrown in violation of this rule will be called a ball. 

-A pitcher cannot pump fake a pitch in an attempt to mess with a batter’s timing. 


Pitcher’s Hand Rule

– To record an out at first base, the pitcher must possess the ball inside of the pitching circle before the runner gets to first base. This rule only applies at first base (does not apply to the lead runner)


-If a fielder catches the ball in the air it is an out (balls that hit the netting are live)

-Field will be marked with foul lines along the first and third base paths

-A Foul Ball that is cleanly caught by the defense is a recorded out

-Any hit ball that clears the wiffle ball fence in the air is an automatic home-run


Base Running

-Tagging: A runner is out when tagged or pegged below the shoulders.

Plays at home plate-a live ball that is thrown and hits the strike zone prior to the runner reaching home plate is an out and the play is dead. If the ball misses the strike zone the play is live and runners may advance. 

-No sliding allowed


Special Rules

-Leading and Stealing: Not allowed. Players must have one foot on the base until the batter makes contact with the ball

-Intentional Walks: Not allowed

-Leaning Into Pitches: Illegal and counts as an automatic strike

-Player Interference: Fielders may not interfere with runners trying to advance Likewise, baserunners may not interfere with a fielders ability to make a play

-Ground Rule Double: Any hit ball that rolls or gets stuck under the homerun fence or hits the ground and bounces over the fence is a ground rule double

-No infield fly rule

-Illegal to catch a hit ball from behind the fence

“Point of No Return”: If a runner coming home is halfway or further (umpire discretion) they may not attempt to run back to third base…they have reached the point of no return! They will be ruled out if the ball is thrown and hits the Strike Zone before the runner reaches home 

-Runner may not leave the basepath to avoid an out. They will be ruled out (umpire discretion)

-Balls in Play: Any ball hit into play that contacts another runner is an automatic out for the runner


***Any player that throws any equipment out of frustration will automatically be out every time through the batting order for the remainder of the game***


League Standings will be based on the following: 

Win = 3 points

Loss = 0 points

Tie = 1 point (Regular Season Games may end in a tie)

Tie Breakers: 

1. Runs Scored

2. Runs Allowed

Our Wiffle Ball Home Run Fence and Strike Zone  are currently under construction…in the meantime check out the progress! 

Stay Tuned:

Special League Events

Open Wiffle Ball Hours

Coming Soon!

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